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Coaching Myths busted by the ultimate skeptic:


#1 – “But I don't  have a fitness or health transformation yet!”

OK, so you DON'T have a transformation......GOOD!! ;)

I ACTUALLY don't want you to have one yet -- you are PERFECTO right where you are and the time to start is NOW!

People are MORE impressed and attracted to THE JOURNEY than the RESULT!

Being a Coach is NOT looking a certain way, having 6-pack abs, having lost a ton of weight or having a perfect body by any definition.  As a matter of fact, there are coaches of all body types! Our main mission as coaches is to help others lead healthier lives, so as long as you are working to improve your own health, it does not matter what you look like or how much you weigh!

Some coaches (like me) start at a weight they are comfortable at, but strive toward other fitness goals and want to help others while they’re at it!

There are other coaches who have a long ways to go in their weight loss transformation, BUT they are NOT WAITING to get there.......the time is NOW!

Coaches come in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, backgrounds, genders.....
Coaching knows no boundaries and it’s WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT!!

You do not have to be a personal trainer or certified in anything. You don’t need to be a nutritionist, bikini model, insta-famous. You only need to be passionate, driven, and willing to be a student!

#2 - "I don't have enough friends…I’m afraid nobody would be interested."


When I started out, I promised myself that I would not spam my family and friends. I was going to share my journey, and if it happened to help my loved ones, great! If not, I wasn’t going to force anything on them.

I bet that you might feel the same way.

Being a Coach is ALL about using social media to share your own fitness journey, and all about ATTRACTING people to your social media pages that have a genuine interest in health, fitness and home business. Just like you and I - -there are MILLIONS of people out there looking for MORE. Why not use social media to reach them?!

My point here is that most people have an average of 338 friends on Facebook, but there are MILLIONS of people on Facebook. Don’t limit yourself to your list of friends!!

I am going to teach you how to use;

-Your personal Facebook page to build a personal audience;

​> A Facebook Like Page, which you can use to expand your network;

> An Instagram account where you can find and connect with both challengers and potential coaches!

These are the tools that I will show you how to use so that you can help the world get healthier, without having to ruin your personal relationships.

#3 - "What will I be doing DAILY?”


​Beachbody knows that we shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel, SO they’ve given us vital behaviors to help us narrow our focuses!  

​These are our 5 Daily Vital Behaviors – the things we do each day to be successful!


1. Workout & Drink Shakeology 


2. 10-20 minutes personal and professional development (podcasts, youtube training, etc.)


3. Invite. Invite. Invite! (contacting about 3-5 people daily about challenge groups)


4. Post On Social Media!


5. Adding 3-5 new friends daily to your network (friend requests/follows)


Can you BELIEVE that those 5 things above will help you earn money?

Once I got through our team training and I understood each behavior, I was like….
"I GOT THIS!" and I started just doing MORE of those things....inviting more people daily, adding more people to my network daily and really learned how to use both my personal and business Facebook page!

I also started learning more automated ways to use social media like Facebook marketing, so that my systems keep working while I get to enjoy time with my family and friends!

#4 - "Can I REALLY make money and how much as a Beachbody Coach?"

 Let’s talk money.


One of my favorite topics because although we love health and fitness and helping other people, we have decided to become an entrepreneur so we can control our time and financial income potential doing this. So, of course, money is something to be discussed!


I know that this subject was very taboo for me when I was deciding to become a coach. I had $13 to my name and I couldn’t afford to lose money on a scam. I needed to know that I could not only make back my investment, but make more after that. I’m happy to say, that I made back my “investment” in the first week and I am now a full-time coach (alongside school and softball)!




We get paid every week on Thursdays through automaticdeposit when you set that up through your account as a new coach.



- You will earn 25% as a Beachbody coach retail sales!


- You also get paid on the team volume that is being built on your team of coaches. This is often the most lucrative part of a Beachbody business!


-There are SEVERAL bonuses and income opportunities that can all be explained in this video – take a watch! It’s mind-blowing! (:




​I don't know about YOU, but I have NEVER had a job that had income growth or even a raise potential where I could actually COUNT ON my income growing.......I am counting on ME to create my life potential, NOT an employer and I know I’m willing to put in the time and effort to support myself.



How that income is earned is by doing those simple daily activities that I mentioned above, as well as everything you learn in our exclusive team training!



I hope that makes YOU FEEL CONFIDENT that you can earn an amazing income as a Beachbody coach. You get out of it what you put into it!

*I want to clarify and tell you that this is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. This is not effortless, BUT it IS a business. It IS rewarding, unique, and EXCITING!

 #5 - "Can I afford to run a business?"



My question to you is, "Can you afford NOT afford to have a business?"



​I mean, HOW are you going to accomplish your goals and dreams in life, save money, pay down debts, travel, come and go when you want, and afford to give your family amazing experiences if you DON'T CHOOSE TO DO THIS?!


As a Beachbody coach here's what you can expect to pay out of pocket every month to keep your business running;


> $15.95 active fee = Monthly


> $38.95 Club fee = Quarterly


> $50 (Personal Volume (PV) of $50 as a new coach = Monthly)   
​MOST coaches choose to order Shakeology monthly for $4 a day, so your personal PV is automatically covered that way, plus, it’s tax deductible!
It’s a 30 day supply of food -- you can't go wrong!

You have to eat anyways, right?


= $115 per month!


So you tell me, does $115 per month plus $40 per quarter and you earning $1000 to $10,000 per month seem like a pretty good deal all while you're getting fit and healthy, eating healthy food with your Shakeology shake, and having fun helping others? 


That's better than a gym fee, that's better than a nutritionist or a personal trainer don't you think?




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